Braithwaite Grandkids

Braithwaite Grandkids

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Orange County Newspaper Article

On April 5, 2007 an article appeared in the Orange County Register regarding Dale and also his trip to Kenya and also the youth project our ward put on to raise funds and needed articles for the Limuru Presbytery Orphanage for Girls.


Moore fun in Colorado! said...


Great article in the paper!! Great new blog entries too. You have some adorable grandchildren!!


Kim said...

I was so surprised to see your picture as I was reading the paper. Pretty cool Baci.

Moore fun in Colorado! said...

Dale: That interview articulated some very important principles taught by our faith and by our parents. I'm pleased and very impressed with your work in Africa. There is so much joy in doing good for others.

Best regards, Mike

Cierra said...

Way to go Papasahn!! You are famous!! I really enjoyed reading the said some great things. And you are quite the humanitarian...but a "Roman warrior-looking" humanitarian! :)

love, CJ

The Nannie Family said...

Great article and it's nice to see that your ward did something to help those girls.

Vallente said...

So I confess...I haven't checked your blog in ages because well...I thought you had abandoned the whole blogging world! :) But yeah! You are posting! Great article! Go Uncle Dale! You da man!
Love ya,

Aline Coelho said...

Wow that´s a great article.
Great job Dale, I´m so happy u went to Kenya and did such an important job.
I´m sure the kids will be very happy with all the help from your ward as well.
You and Nanci are amazing people!!