Braithwaite Grandkids

Braithwaite Grandkids

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

St. George Marathon October 6, 2007

Mike Jeffers (age 55, 2nd marathon), Dale (age 58, 1st marathon) and Larry Braithwaite (age 59, 1st marathon) do the carb load the night before.
The ladies witness the engorgement of pasta.
Dale heads for the finish line sprinting past a young professional kenyan marathoner.
Lookin' strong
Yep, we all did it.....26.2 miles!


Cierra said...

you even got real medals?? you didnt tell me that part...

i must say, for a 58 year old "crusty" you are lookin mighty good. :)

i am so proud of my pops!

Kim said...

that kenyan runner obvioulsy had nothing on you. you sure are letting us know that we need to step it up more than a few notches. you've definately had a summer of a lifetime. oh and whats this about a photobucket...i haven't heard of it.

Anonymous said...

Lookin' great! Way to go Uncle Dale! And Aunt Nancy and Marissa--you two just keep getting more beautiful!

Tylershark said...

Congrats on your first marathon! It was good to see you this weekend. If you ever come back to run another, give us a call.

The Nannie Family said...

Wow! Way to go Dale. I might make it in the .2 mile run. It must have felt nice to pass that guy from Kenya.

Aline Coelho said...

Hi Dale and Nancy!
Here´s Aline from Brazil, how r u??
I´m so glad to see your blog, u both look great!!
Go check my blog so you can see my family too.
You guys will be always in my heart

Aline Coelho

Grammie & Papa Rex said...

Congrats on finishing your first marathon!! Only 8 more to go to catch up with me (Rex). What was your time? Did you beat Mike? What a fantastic experience in Kenya you must have had! The fishing up here isn't quite as good. Let us know your e-mail address and we'll invite you to view our blog too. What a family picture!

Your Friends,

Rex & Linda


Grammie & Papa Rex said...

P.S. our E-Mail address is You can tell who does the computer stuff.

Rex & Linda Lundquist